Rune Jansson
Recent paintings
Catalogue with preface by Sune Nordgren
From the opening

Rune Jansson

Rune Jansson and Sune Nordgren

Sune Nordgren, Rune Jansson and Bengt Lagerqvist

Kjartan Slettemark and Ragnar von Holten

Sune Nordgren and Kjartan Slettemark

Vivi och Hans Ragnemalm

Ragnar von Holten and Sune Nordgren

Rune Jansson and Olle Granath

Sylvester Jansson

Bengt Kirschon

Gert Frisell, Anders Blom and Andreas Pajor

Sune Nordgren and Kjartan Slettemark

Rune Jansson with Bertil Hofverberg

Rune Jansson with grandaughter Amanda

Åke Pallarp and Rune Jansson