Niki de Saint-Phalle
Inauguration by Bloum Cardenas - Niki's granddaughter
and Anna-Lena Wibom - video
From the opening

Bloum Cardenas and Kent Belenius

Anna-Lena Wibom and Bloum Cardenas

Pia and Thomas Kleiner

Claes Nylander and Erik Dahlberg

Kent Belenius and Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss

Bo Fornstedt and Hans Goglund

Lennart Hansson and Larissa Borodina

Anna-Lena Wibom and Bloum Cardenas

Bo Fornstedt & Lars Blumenthal

Kent & Niklas Belenius with Bloum Cardenas

Ingemar Dahlberg

Mrs and Mrs Bo Ahlman