Rune Jansson
Also previous exhibitions at Galerie Bel'Art: 1985, 1988, 1993 and 1999.
Olle Granath and Rune Jansson talking about the latest paintings.
At Galerie Bel'Art, Stockholm August 15th, 2011. Swedish only. See interview.

Rune Jansson was born on Blidö in Stockholm’s archipelago in 1918. The parents had a small farm there and were fishermen and carpenters. He grew up in this environment and early developed an interest for drawing and painting. After the years in the local school and some years of manual labor together with his father on the farm, the plans for a more concrete education to become an artist evolved, he was then in his twenties. He began in the fall of 1941 at Otto Sköld’s painting –school, and later he moved on to the Art Academy in Stockholm. He left the Academy in 1944 and continued to paint on his own.
1945 he married Eddie Figge (they divorced in 1965). 1947 he went to France together with Eddie Figge and traveled throughout the year – to Paris, Juan-Les-Pins, a short trip to Rome and Florence, and back to Paris and then returned back home. He met Hans Hartung and saw an exhibition with his paintings. Debut exhibition in 1949, in the newly opened art gallery “Lilla Paviljongen”, later called “Hos Petra” (At Petra’s) in Söder (southern part of inner city) in Stockholm, with positive comments by the critics Nils Palmgren, Bo Lindwall and Lars Erik Åström. 1950 he traveled to Paris, where he stayed for a month. 1951 he went to Spain and visited Madrid and Barcelona. The second exhibition was a separate one at Gummeson’s Art gallery in 1953, both critics and sales were positive. Due to this, a trip to Greece and Crete was made possible. During the fall of 1954 and the winter of 1955, he visited Paris. He had an exhibition, at “Petra” in October of 1955. During the years 1956-59, there were no separate exhibitions. In 1958, he started working as a teacher of drawing for upcoming architects at Tekniska Högskolan (Technical Institute), in Stockholm. In March of 1960 Rune Jansson had an exhibition at Gummeson’s Art gallery, this rendered him an important position within Swedish art life. It was a great selling success. After the exhibition he traveled around in Europe. February and March of 1961, there were exhibitions in Göteborg and Lund, at Galleri 54 and Krognoshuset. 1961 he was awarded the Emil Berg Travel-grant, thus a journey to India and Ceylon was made possible. This journey had a great impact on Rune Jansson’s future development. March of 1962 he traveled to the USA. March of 1963 a large retrospective exhibition was displayed in the exhibit halls of Konstakademien, Stockholm. Following the exhibition he traveled to Rhodes, Greece.
In 1964 he participated in three important Group exhibitions: “Nu 64”, in Norrköping, “Invigningsutställning”, in Skövde Konsthall and at San Francisco Museum, in USA. 1965 he had an exhibition with Galerie Burén, in Stockholm. He also during 1965 participated in a traveling exhibition organized by Riksförbundet för bildande konst (National Association for Fine Art), “Tre Stora” and “Moderna Museet besöker Landskrona”. 1966 he participated in the Jubilee exhibition of Sveagalleriet, “Tre linjer i avenskt måleri, 1966-67” and “Svenskt sa Appelgren”, Nationalmuseum (the National Museum). 1967 he was exhibited at Liljevalchs Konsthall, “Nordisk konst” and at Moderna Museet, “Grace och Philip Sandbloms samling”, this had also been shown earlier in Göteborg’s konstmuseum.
In 1968 he exhibited Pastels at Galerie Burén. The same year he traveled to New York and had an exhibition there in SAS’s facilities. In the fall of 1968 he began as a Professor at the Art Academy in Stockholm. His time there was largely filled with working in various committees and administrations. He was president of the Art Academy for a while and one of the founders of the academic journal, Artes. He resigned as a Professor in 1975, and resumed with renewed intensity his painting, which in due time led to a number of exhibitions, in Stockholm at Konstnärsbolaget and Galerie Alner in the years 1976 and 1977. Exhibitions with “Smålands konstarkiv”, in Värnamo, 1970 and with Galleri Glemminge in Skåne in 1971 and 1976, at Galleri Holm in Malmö in 1972. He had retrospective exhibitions in Oslo konstförening, Oslo in 1974 and Lund’s konsthall also in 1974 and in Kulturhuset in Borås in 1977. 1978 he had a group exhibition at Galerie de Bellechasse and a retrospective, also at the same time at Centre Culturel Suédois in Paris a retrospective exhibition. 1979 he also had an exhibition at Prins Eugens Waldermarsudde in Stockholm. He exhibited with Galerie Argo in Stockholm in 1988, 1990,1996,1999, 2003 and 2007. Galleri Gösta Bergman in Stockholm showed him in 2003, 2006 and 2008
Vida Museet on Öland in 2005. Norrtälje Konsthall in 2006. Solo-shows at Galerie Bel'Art in 1985, 1988, 1993, 1999, 2001, 2007, 2009 and 2018 Konstakademien, Stockholm in 2009, ¨Paintings 1950 - 2008¨
Nationalmuseet and Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Göteborgs Konstmuseum
Malmö Museum
Norrköping Museun
Linköping Museum
Halmstad Museum
Gävle Museum
Borås Museum
Nationalgalleriet, Oslo
Sonja Henie-Nils Onstad Museet, Oslo
Ateneum, Helsinki
Alvar Alto Museet, Helsinki
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
“Anteckningar” 1955, by Rune Jansson, Bonniers
“Streck Sträck” 1967, by Rune Jansson, Bonniers
“Mögel 1968, by Rune Jansson, Bonniers
“Semester”, 1969, by Rune Jansson, Bonniers
“Rune Jansson”, 1980, by Ulf Linde, Atlantis
“Synrand”, 1982, edited by Sune Nordgren, Kalejdoskop
“Rune Jansson”, 1988, by Sören Engblom, Signum
“Ballongen over Salem” 1990, by Rune Jansson, Carlssons
Stig Johansson, “En informell poet”, Konstrevy nr 4, 1961
Arne Törnqvist, “Två slags mystik”, Rune Jansson and Torsten Renqvist, Paletten nr 2, 1963
Hans Axel Holm, “Svenska bilder”, Cavefors, 1963
Folke Edwards, “Swedish Art since 1945”, Paletten, Svenska Institutet 1965
Eugen Wretholm, “Moderna svenska konstnärer från 1940-, 50- och 60-talen”, Forum 1969
Katarina Dunér, “Bilden på muren”, Natur och Kultur 1965
Rolf Söderberg, “Den svenska konsten under 1900-talet”, Aldus 1970
Beate Sydhoff, “Vår egen tid” (Bildkonsten I Norden, 5), Prisma 1973
Sven Sandström, “Konsten I Sverige, 1900-talets bildkonst”, Awe/Gebers 1975
Olle Granath, “Svensk konst efter 1945”, Bonniers 1977
Mural Paintings and Textiles:
Hotel Continental, Stockholm 1965
Trygg-Hansa restaurant, Helsingborg 1965
Landstadshuset, Karlstad 1967
Tunaskolan, Lund 1968
Stadshuset, Värnamo 1971
Åvaskolan, Täby 1972
IBM administration building, Kista 1978
Statens Skatteverk, Umeå 1979
TCO:s kursgård, Bergendal, Stockholm 1979
Translated by Anette Lindegaard