Elsa Thoresen

Elsa Cecilie Thoresen was born May 1st 1906 in Benson, Minnesota, USA. Died August 20th 1994, in Seattle, WA, USA. 

Her father, Thore Thoresen, was a Norwegian doctor and her mother, Josephine Alice Johnson was American, born by immigrated Norwegian parents. She was married to the artist Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen 1935-1953 and to Johnny Gouveia 1953–1994.

The Thoresen family moved to Oslo, Norway, Elisenbergveien 16.

Studied at the Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry in Oslo.

1927-28 and 1929-30 
Studied with Professor Axel Revold at the Norwegian National Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo.

Met Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen at the Art Academy in Oslo.

Studied with Alfred Bastien at Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels.

Studied with Halfdan Strøm and Axel Revold at The Norwegian National Academy of Arts in Oslo. Visited smaller studios in Brussels and Paris.

Married Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen in Copenhagen.

October, together with her husband traveled to Paris, where they stayed until March 1938. Together they started to collect works by other artists.

Inauguration with Bjerke-Petersen, painted murals at Højdevangens school in the Amager district in Copenhagen.

Inauguration with Bjerke-Petersen, painted murals at the Ved Volden apartment building, Christianshavn in Copenhagen. 

Visited Halmstad in June and met with the members of the Halmstad Group. 

Her son Kai was born (died 2016).

Her daughter Alice was born.

April 17th the family escaped to Sweden. They settled in Stockholm, Attundavägen 14 in Norra Ängby. Spent the summers in Söndrum outside Halmstad.

The family traveled to New York May 31st and returned to Sweden June 30th 1947. Moved to Grev Turegatan 16 B in Stockholm, an apartment that belonged to Greta Thorén.

Bjerke-Petersen and Elsa Thoresen rent Erik Olson's home and studio in Halmstad from April to June and then spent a few months in Stendahl’s house in Söndrum outside Halmstad.

Divorced Bjerke-Petersen and moved with her two children to the USA. Married Johnny Gouveia on November 14th 1953 in New York. Settled first in Washington DC, then to Flushing, New York and later upstate New York. After a few years moved to Seattle. From the late 1950s to the mid-1960s she supported the family by working as a clerk in the lamps and paintings department of a large Seattle department store, The Bon Marché.
She also played the violin.
Visited Copenhagen and Stockholm 1985 and 1988.
Died in Seattle August 20th 1994.

October, Arnbaks Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, with Erik Olson och Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen

Surrealism i Norden (Surrealism in the Nordic countries), Skånska Konstmuseum, 
Lund University (outside the catalogue)

Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme, Galerie Beaux Arts, Paris, organised by André Breton  and Paul Éluard. January 17th - February 24th

Harald Holst Halvorsens Kunsthandel, Oslo, together with Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen, October 24 - November 7

Surrealisme (Surrealistiske demonstrationer), Raadhuspladsens Udstillingssal Copenhagen, with Erik Olson, Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen, Vilhelm Freddie, and Harry Carlsson

Färg och Form, Stockholm, Group exhibition with Alf-Jörgen Aas, Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen, Henrik Inne and Egon Møller-Nielsen, catalogue 162

Färg och Form, Stockholm, Christmas exhibition, catalogue 182

Le Surréalisme en 1947, Galerie Maeght, Paris 

Halmstads musikhandel, Halmstad, with Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen, April 24 - May 15 

Liniens udstilling, Den Frie, Copenhagen, July 31st - August 15th

Louis Hahnes Konsthandel, Stockholm

The London Gallery, London, with Yves Tanguy and Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen

Konsthallen Örebro, with Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen

Värmlands Museum, Karlstad, September 6th - 24th with Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen

Exhibits at smaller galleries in Seattle, such as The National Gallery at The Bon Marché 1972 and Omnus Gallery ca 1974

Den Forvandlede drøm, Surrealismen i 30’erne, Paris-Copenhagen-Halmstad, 
Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen and Mjellby Art Centre, Halmstad, Sweden

Kvindernes surrealisme, GL Strand, Copenhagen

Kvindernes surrealisme, Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum, Tønder, Denmark

Fantastische Frauen – Surreale Welten von Meret Oppenheim  bis Frida Kahlo, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt

Fantastiske Kvinder – Surreelle verdener fra Meret Oppenheim til Frida Kahlo, Louisiana, Denmark

Surrealismens kvinnor, Mjällby Art Museum, Halmstad, Sweden

Flukten fra Fornuften: Nordisk Kunst og Det Okkulte, SKMU Sørlandets Kunstuseum, Kristiansand, Norway

Modernismens Pionerer. Et utvalg fra Tangen-samlingen, SKMU Sørlandets Kunstuseum, Kristiansand, Norway

En anden surrealisme, Den Frie, Copenhagen

2022 – 2023 
En anden surrealisme, MSJ Kunstmuseet i Tønder, Denmark

2022 – 2023 
Konst, kamratskap och en doft av hav – Söndrum 1944 – 1956, Hallands Konstmuseum, Halmstad, May 21st – April 9th 2023

We Kiss The Earth, COBRA Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, Holland

På armlängds avstånd, Artepilag, Stockholm, selection from the Tangen collection, Norway

Surréalisme au féminin?, Musée de Montmartre, Paris

Microcosmos – 20 miniatures, Belenius, Stockholm

2024 - 1925 
A Legacy Rediscovered – Northwest Women Artists 1920–1970, Cascadia Art Museum, Edmonds, WA, USA

Museums and public collections:
Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum, Tønder, Denmark
Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, Denmark 
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark
Fuglsang Kunstmuseum, Guldborgsund, Denmark
Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo, Norway
Canica art collection, Oslo, Norway
AKO Kunststiftelse, Tangen-collection, Kristansand, Norway
Örebro Läns Museum, Örebro, Sweden
Hallands Konstmuseum, Halmstad, Sweden

Carl V. Petersen Danske Kunstnere, Arthur Jensens Förlag, Copenhagen 1937.
André Breton, Dictionnaire abrégé du surréalisme, Galerie Beaux-Arts, Paris 1938.
Plastique, issue 3, ed. Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Paris och New York 1938.
Marcel Jean, Histoire de la Peinture Surréaliste, Paris 1959.
Sarane Alexandrian, Surrealist Art, Paris, London 1969/70.
Den Forvandlede drøm, Surrealismen i 30’erne, Paris-København-Halmstad, Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen and Mjellby Art Centre, Halmstad 1997.
Naja Pedersen, Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersens og Elsa Thoresens Udsmykninger Ved Volden 1939, Projekt Ved Volden, 2012.
Kvindernes surrealisme, GL Strand, Copenhagen 2018.
Fantastische Frauen/Fantastiske Kvinder, Schirn Kunsthalle/Louisiana, Frankfurt/Humlebaek 2020.
Konst, kamratskap och en doft av hav – Söndrum 1944 – 1956, Hallands Konstmuseum, Halmstad 2022 - 2023
We Kiss The Earth, Cobra Museum, Amstelveen Holland 2023.
På armlängds avstånd, selection from the Tangen-collection, Artepilag, Stockholm 2023.
Surréalisme au féminin?, Musée de Montmartre, Paris 2023.
Thomas Millroth, Good Luck Elsa Thoresen, monograph, 204 pages, English and Swedish, Carlsson Bokförlag , Stockholm, August 2024.